Allama Azeem Gee who is the General Secretary of the International Na’at Association (UK), a member of Ruiyyat-e-Hilal Committee Britain and Secretary-General of Justice for Jammu and Kashmir, needs no formal introduction. He has full command of the sciences of mysticism, spiritualism, astronomy, numerology and astronomy, numerology and astrology. He has already been popular in the British and Pakistani circles; however, he touched the height of popularity not only in Britain but Europe, Middle Eastern and other countries of the world after he started the programme of spiritual treatment from a London-based Pakistani TV channel, ARY Digital, a few years back. When he begins this twice-a-week programme, people give up their routine work to watch it. Tears gushed from the eyes of most of the audience when Allama Gee beseeches to Allah Almighty to solve the difficulties and hardships being faced by the Muslims world over. Touching scenes are seen during the pray. People facing numerous problems always remain in contact with him due to which one finds it very difficult to get him on phone. He receives countless letters from various parts of the world in which the people request a spiritual prescription for their problems. Close aides of Allama Azeem Gee confided that he has some jinnee under his control, though he himself did not comment on it. However, those close to him bear witness to the fact.
Allama Azeem Gee said that his attachment with mysticism, spiritualism, Quranic knowledge, IImul A’adaad (the knowledge of the effects of numbers). IImul Jaffar (Numerology), Astrology and Astronomy. He contributed permanent articles in the Daily Jang, London and many other papers and journals for a long time on the topics of mysticism, spiritualism and spiritual solution of the problems being faced by the people. He has deep attachment with politics and journalism. He has been a member of the British Labour Party and at the same time the Secretary-General of an organisation, Justice for Jammu and Kashmir. Prominent industrialist and social and political Leader, Chaudhry Muhammad Bashir is its President while a member of the British Parliament and an important leader of the Labour Party. Mr. Gerald Kaufman is its chairman. Lord Nazir Ahmad of Rotherham is the founder member and Vice Chairman of the organisation, Allama Azeem Gee launched a campaign about Kashmir in 1994-95 in collaboration with his senior colleagues mentioned above. They lobbied in the Labour Party as a result of which the annual conference adopted a unanimous resolution about Kashmir at Brighton in October 1995.
Talking about himself, Allama Azeem Gee further said, “I have very firm contacts with a number of Ulama and Shayookh of the Sub-Continent and Arab Countries. That is why I always yearned for increasing my knowledge and got religious and spiritual training from the Ulama who enjoy a stature the world over. I have never claimed to be a very great religious scholar or Peer or Wali. I do not want to make such a claim because I consider myself an ordinary person and a learner. Due to my attachment with those enjoying great stature in the world of knowledge and spiritualism I try to share the grief and sufferings of the people. I also share the sufferings of my brothers through my television programmes and try to find a solution to the problems of my brothers and sisters through the practical methods and incantations prescribed by saintly people.”
Referring to his coming to England, Allama Azeem Gee said that when he came to this country, he was very perplexed and worried due to some domestic problems. “My daughter Salma was seriously ill, she had undergone seventy-two operations for seven years and then passed away. It was a very testing time for me, during which I witnessed the problems of others also very closely. I made contacts with such people and wanted to share my grief and sorrow with those who felt lonely and were beset with problems”. Allama Saheb said that he has an old relation with the social problems of the people and finding a spiritual solution to these problems. “I have been proposing a spiritual cure to the problems of the people through newspapers and magazines since 1978. Thank God, I have a command of IImul A’adaad, IImul Jaffar, Palmistry and Astrology. I also write articles on these topics but spiritualism dominates them. I propose a cure in the light of the verses of the Holy Quran. I was greatly benefited when I learnt the intrinsic knowledge after having a command of these sciences. IImul A’adaad has great importance in the world of spiritualism. The knowledge is very helpful in prescribing talisman as well. I prescribe spiritual treatment for the maladies of the people after understanding and assessing them fully on the touchstone of IImul A’adaad and other knowledge. I also offer Istekhara to seek divine guidance for proposing such a treatment”.
The Television programmes of Allama Azeem Gee are in fact reflective of the sorrows, grief and sufferings of the society as well as the problems the Muslims are faced within Britain and other European countries. These problems came forth like an open book. Talking about this, Allama Saheb said, “I knew it since long that the hearts of our brethren living in Europe are riddled with grief and sorrows. I came to know the gravity of these problems during the past three years after I began television programme particularly the family problems and social problems of the people which have aggravated. In the beginning, people came to England to earn money. Now a generation has grown up here while the next one is growing up. Their children have got an education in this society. The social set-up here was quite different from the social set-up of their parents in their native countries. In many cases, children are more educated than their parents and in a way, they have superseded their parents. Thus the generation gap between the children and their parents increased and the latter seems helpless before the former. At times, children flee their homes or become addicted to drugs. There is no mundane treatment to such social maladies. Under such circumstances, people have to resort to the spiritual solution of such problems.”

Allama Azeem Gee said, “Many problems crop up when parents try to thrust their will on children for a marriage of their choice. Most of such marriages end in miserable failure. Forced marriage is neither permissible in Islam nor in the eye of law. I am strictly opposed to it. I do take up this issue in my programmes as well. It so happens that parents make such attempts in order to protect their family prestige or to compel their children to enter into family marriages to keep them close to Pakistan. When people from Pakistan come to this country, they cherish a desire to get prosperity besides higher education for their children. On the contrary, when the children grow up, they lost harmony with their family and their level of IQ rises much higher. The also feel proud in living in England or Europe, which are developed countries. They term their motherland as backwards and tell their parents so. Such thinking has negative effects”.
Allama Azeem Gee said, “At the time the problems of the people are so heart-rending that tears flow down from my eyes. The parents feel restlessness like a fish out of water. They spend whatever they have on the education of their children. There are instances where widows and mothers deserted by their husbands then spent whatever they had on the education of their children but when the children got higher education they deserted their mothers. The regrettable thing is that we do not have any system at social level to tackle such intricate problems collectively. Lonely people are suffering in their loneliness. Most of the people make telephone calls only to let someone share their sufferings to lighten the burden of their hearts. They do not share such grief with their community members because they fear that it would bring them disrepute and that they would be exploited by others. That is why they talk to me or write to me. There are piles of letters and requests are made in almost every letter not to narrate their problem over television,”
Talking about the religious education of the Muslims children particularly the Pakistani children, Allama Azeem Gee said that the situation in this regard is very perplexing. If the atmosphere of homes and religious institutions and the atmosphere of schools and society are compared, it seems quite different. “I have been here for the past thirteen years. I have not witnessed any revolutionary steps in this regard. Rather there was a time when children went to mosques and Madrasas at the insistence of parents but deserted them when they grew up and got independence. At the same time the children who learnt religion truly are behaving well. Besides, the boys and girls who work for the promotion of Islam in colleges and universities are doing appreciable work. Many parents of such children offer prayers regularly and are fond of Quran and Hadith and act upon religious teachings. This is a great blessing of Allah Almighty to them. Expressing his regrets over differences about the beginning of Ramadhan and about celebrations of Eids, Allama Saheb said that this is the collective issue of the Muslims and not that of a particular school of thought.
Courtesy: "Ulama-e-Ahle Sunnah, Mashaikh & Sufis in the U.K." by Khalid Athar