Rahila Bano came to the Northwest of England nine years ago (1994AD) after being invited to set up the Asian shared programming unit between BBC Radio Lancashire and BBC GMR. The unit produced eleven of Asian programmes for the regions Asian communities in English and Asian languages. Rahila has worked in a production , presentation and reporting capacity . Part of her role included reporting on Asian issues for BBC Northwest Tonight as the Asian Affairs Correspondent.
Her long and varied career in broadcasting started back in 1989 when she joined a new BBC Radio station , WM Heartlands which broadcast to East Birmingham's largely Irish and Asian communities . Thereafter she worked for BBC Radio West Midlands Asian Network and BBC Regional Television News programme Midlands Today before she came to the Northwest.
In Dec 2000 ( to date ) Rahila was appointed as the North West Reporter by the BBC National Asian Radio Network which is available on digital radio. Her role also includes inputting stories into regional output and other National BBC networks. She has recently completed several commissions for R4 .
She's received several commendations and awards for her work notably ;In 2002 runner up as Female Professional in the Asian Business Exhibition Awards; In 1998 the "Asian Word" News programme won the Commission For Racial Equality Race in the Media Award for Best Radio News programme competition included Radio 4's Today programme , she has also been awarded the Manchester Libraries and Festival of Asian Literature Award for her Radio & TV reports on Asian community issues ....she was also shortlisted in the Ethnic Minority Achievement Awards (EMMA's ) in 1997 in the TV News category .
Apart from her work in broadcasting Rahila also has an interest in race and womens issues and has sat on several committees in a voluntary capacity ie. East Lancashire Health Authority Ethnic Minorities Advisory cttee member , Chairwoman Blackburn Ethnic Minority Womens Forum, Blackburn College Ethnic Minority Advisory Panel member and is currently a non executive director with the Manchester based Progress Trust.
She has also actively taken part and helped to organise many Charity fundraising events ; inc Nighat Awan Cancer Fundraising event , East Lancashire Super Scanner Appeal , Bosnia Fund raising dinner, Bham etc.
Rahila Bano is well conversant with Punjabi and Urdu. Her mother was born in Narowal , Pakistan , later settled in Rawalpindi before coming to the UK .
She went on a two week working trip to Pakistan in 1998 with a group of professionals from Health, Education and Local Gov sectors in East Lancashire . The objective of the trip was to visit counterpart agencies in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir to see how they operate. This resulted in a two hour radio documentary which was broadcasted on BBC Radio Lancashire and GMR.
2002 Runner Up Female Asian Professional of 2002 at Asian Business Exhibition & Awards Ceremony
2000 Included in Asian Who's Who of Achievement 2000 publication by Ethnic Media Group.
1999 Winner of Commission for Racial Equality's "Race in The Media Award " in the Best Radio News category for " Asian Word " programme.
1998 Shortlisted for Ethnic Minority Media Achievements Awards ; Best Radio Journalist .
1997 Shortlisted for Commission for Racial Equality RIMA ; Best TV News category.
1997 Recipient of Manchester Community Award for Radio & TV coverage of Asian issues.
1992 Winner Sony Bronze Award "Chatline " Radio WM Asian Network programme.

Northern Co-ordinator BBC Black Forum 2001-to date
Non Executive Director, Progress Trust, Manchester 1999- to date
Chairperson Blackburn Eth Min Womens Assoc 1997-99
Founding member NW Asian Professional Circle 1996 -2000
Member of Blackburn with Darwen Racial Equality Council Exec Cttee. 1998-99
Member of East Lancs Health Authority Eth. Min. Advisory Panel 1997-99
Member East Lancs Super Scanner Appeal 1997-98
Judge in Manchester Curry Chef of the Year Competition 1996-98
BBC Black Forum (NW) was officialy set up in Manchester in Feb 2002 . Rahila is a founding member and current chair person. It is a support and networking group for BBC Black staff working in the north region. It's initiated in bringing together people from a wide range of programming and non prog area and of all grades who would not otherwise have had the opportunity to meet each other .
Rahila also proposed the idea for and was involved in overseeing the setting up a Multi Faith Prayer Room in BBC Manchester which is now extensively used by all faith reps in the building .
Rahila also sits on and actively participates in the BBC Manchester and BBC NW Diversity Groups .
Assists News Editors in increasing the number of Asian stories on local radio and tv regionally and acts a focal point for NW Asian contacts for local , Network and WS BBC colleagues.
Melas - For past 4 yrs (1999 AD) Rahila has been promoting the BBC / Asian progs at community events, Mela's in the NW, was instrumental in bringing the BBC to Manchester Mela this year... has been a guest speaker at Asian Community functions representing BBC , compered various high profile events in the NW including this yrs regional Business Dinners and is generally seen as a asian celebrity in the Asian community regionally and nationally .