Javed Khan is former Chief Executive of the British charity Victim Support. Khan who is of Pakistani/Kashmiri origin, is also a member of the Whitehall Social Policy Forum and an adviser to the Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Programme. Javed Khan has twenty eight years’ experience in the UK public and voluntary sectors, and has developed a track record of successfully managing change through key high profile leadership roles.
Javed joined the leading children’s charity Barnardo’s in May 2014 as Chief Executive. Barnardo’s runs over 900 services in local communities, including support for children who have been sexually exploited, young people leaving the care system, children with a parent in prison and families struggling to cope. Barnardo’s also finds loving adoptive homes and foster placements for children in care. Last year it helped transform the lives of more than 200,000 of the UK’s most vulnerable children, young people and their families. Many more were helped by campaigning to change policy and public opinion.
Previously Javed was CEO at Victim Support which helps over a million victims and witnesses each year, having 600 sites across England and Wales. Under Javed’s leadership the charity successfully managed significant change where it restructured itself; embraced major financial challenges; raised its public and political profile; generated new business opportunities, and was recognised in major awards including short lists for Charity of the Year, Best Campaign of the Year, Best Partnership Initiative and the Queen’s Jubilee Award.
Javed joined Victim Support in 2010, from the Government Office for London where he was the Executive Director to the London Serious Youth Violence Board. In this senior civil service role he worked across London key agencies to reduce serious youth violence.

In December 2003 Javed joined London’s Harrow Council, as Director of Education. During this period the borough saw a 40% reduction in school exclusions, and the creation of the country’s first Sixth Form Collegiate leading to the lowest level of young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) in England. By 2006 Harrow had been recognised as the 4th best achieving local education authority in the country. In 2007 he took on the role of Harrow’s Director of Community and Cultural Services, and led the department from ‘poor’ to a ‘good’ external inspection outcome.
He was previously Assistant Director of Education in Birmingham, where he led a team of over 3000 staff. During this period, under the inspirational leadership of Professor Tim Brighouse, he helped the Education Department achieve ‘Excellent’ status under Ofsted inspections.
Javed’s parents, having emigrated from South Asia, could neither read nor write. Growing up in the backstreets of inner city Birmingham, his comprehensive education led to a Mathematics degree and then on to teacher training. He began his teaching career back in the West Midlands, and then made rapid progress through the education sector holding posts of Head of Mathematics, Assistant Principal and then Director of Development in a further education college.
He is also a board member of the prestigious Sentencing Council for England and Wales, a member of the Advisory Board for the Children’s Commissioner, a lay member on a London Clinical Commissioning Group and a Commissioner on the Voluntary Sector and Ageing Commission. Javed is a regular contributor to national and international conferences.
Courtesy: barnardos.org.uk